Ralf Münnich - Keynote: Synthetic data generation - what is the impact on microsimulation?

  • Presenting author: Ralf Münnich (Uni Trier)

  • Authors: Ralf Münnich

  • Session: A01A - Opening Session - Monday 14:00-16:00 - Ceremonial Hall

Ralf Münnich is head of the Chair of Economic and Social Statistics and the Research Institute for Official and Survey Statistics at the University of Trier. His research interests include survey statistics, in particular sampling designs and their optimisation, variance estimation and weighting methods as well as small area statistics, census research and statistical microsimulation. He has led numerous national and international research projects, in particular in the EU framework programmes and on the German censuses in 2011 and 2022. He has been Chairman of the German Statistical Society since 2020.