Jean Hai Ein Yong - OncoSim – a free cancer simulation tool to advance cancer control

  • Presenting author: Jean Hai Ein Yong (Canadian Partnership Against Cancer)

  • Authors: Jean Hai Ein Yong

  • Session: C01B - Health [2] - Wednesday 9:00-10:30 - Marietta-Blau Hall

  • Slides: PDF

Simulation models are essential tools for evaluating healthcare interventions; however, developing these complex models is resource-intensive, and the results may not be timely for informing policy decisions. OncoSim is a cancer microsimulation model that is now 15 years old. It is one of the few cancer simulation tools available for free to users via a web application. Users can modify the model inputs and run analyses to answer their policy questions. Combining Canadian data from the real world, expert opinion and clinical trials, OncoSim projects health and economic outcomes and attributes them to 19 risk factors, such as smoking and physical inactivity. OncoSim currently models four cancer sites and related screening programs in detail (breast, colorectal, lung and cervical cancers) and provides high-level projections for 25 other cancer sites. OncoSim’s projections have helped inform cancer control planning decisions across Canada. In this presentation, I will introduce OncoSim and share key learnings in developing and maintaining a cancer simulation tool aimed at informing policy decisions.